Creative’s Math Lab Kits strictly follow CBSE guidelines as well as meets all national and international standards. These kits were developed by Mr. Jose Paul, Former Director of the Educational Planning Group in St. Xavier’s School, Delhi.

Creative's- Math lab kit
Creative's- Math lab kit
These kits are based on the principle that children learn mathematics best when they play with real objects and explore real problems that interest them.These kits present much needed activities for children. They suggest how a child’s experiences with manipulatives can be used to help him/her grasp the basic concepts and principles of mathematics. Our Kits are being used by teachers nationwide. Game directions offer versions that are either competitive or cooperative. You decide which format works best for your children. Students learn Mathematics with enjoyment and understanding and not through memorization. These kits offer a fun, hands-on approach that gives students and teachers the tools they need to master this important yet befuddling subject.