“Animals & Their Skins” is a set of picture cards showing animal skins/ covering and animals of various types. As children match each skin/ body covering with the animal it belongs to, they start recognising different animals by their skin patterns and learn their names. Children can also sort & classify the pictures of animal covering into different categories such as-skin, fur, hair, scales, feathers etc. Each puzzle pair/ set is self-correcting, only correct pieces will match.
Skills Developed:-
- Colour and Pattern Recognition Skills
- Problem Solving Skills
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Essential Motor Skills
- Concentration Skills
- QUALITY MATERIAL :-Creative’s products are produced with finest materials made to stand the rough and tumble of the childhood environment.
- Proudly made in India with FSC material. 100% environment friendly
- SAFTEY OF CHILDREN:-Creative’s products confirm to BIS Safety Standards (IS 9873 –Part 1) for Toys and are ISI Marked. Also confirm to EN 71 Part 1, 2 & 3 European Safety Standards for toys. Safety is our top priority!
Trust :-Creative’s Learning Games: The Trusted Choice for Parents & Educators since 1987!!