“Indian Safari” The board game has a Map of India, a built in spinner showing names of 29 States and 7 Union territories and a colourful path to move around. First player start off by spinning the Spinner, then identifies the location of that State/Territory on the map by calling the appropriate number of that State/Territory given in the map. If the answer is correct he/she will move appropriate number of spaces. Most of spaces show different symbols representing Physical Features, agriculture and industry, buildings and monuments, culture and places of tourist interest. If the Play Piece lands on one of these spaces the next player picks a card from the pile of cards and asks the question against the symbol on which the player has landed. If the answer is correct the player moves forward and takes another turn. The game includes A beautiful Play Board, 90 large Question- Answer cards on 5 different topics (450 questions and answers), Play pieces and Rules of Play.